Weekly Chant for Well-Being
Join us in chanting for the well-being of loved ones and those in need, following Wed evening zazen.
At AZC, all people of every race, religion, nationality, class, gender, sexual orientation, age, and physical ability are welcome to practice with the community. Practicing inclusivity and welcoming diversity is a foundation of the Dharma, and a path to alleviating the suffering of everyone. May all beings realize their true nature.
As an expression of our commitment to offer a place of refuge and trust, firearms and other weapons are excluded from our grounds and buildings.
To sign up for our newsletter contact our Temple Administrator.
Join us in chanting for the well-being of loved ones and those in need, following Wed evening zazen.
Join us for our Beginners’ Meditation Instruction in person at AZC
Queer Dharma is a group for anyone who identifies as LGBTQIA+. Join us!
We meet at 5:30 pm. All who identify as women are welcome, regardless of spiritual path.
Join us for our regularly scheduled offerings of zazen, now online! Click on the Zoom links within to enter.
Getting together in-person for caring for our garden & grounds is one of the few ways we can practice together body to body!
There are many ways to participate in the AZC community, from ceremonial roles to helping in the communal garden.
AZC is a federally recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Any amount you wish to donate will be deeply appreciated.
Make a commitment to Zen practice by making a payment towards your membership or becoming a member of the AZC community.
All are welcome to join the AZC Sangha in our online zendo. Please observe the following guidelines to help create a warm and harmonious space.
Austin Zen Center now has a live chat server for Sangha members. Sign up here!
Join the Dharma Discussion Group for weekly book discussions every Monday at 7pm.
The Austin Zen Center partners with the Trinity United Methodist Church to collect non-perishable food to be distributed to those in need.
Are you interested in responding to letters from prisoners who are learning about practice? Encouragement and friendliness are the only requirements, regardless of practice experience.
We acknowledge that we practice on Indigenous land. We acknowledge and pay respects to the Carrizo & Comecrudo, Coahuiltecan, Caddo, Tonkawa, Comanche, Lipan Apache, Alabama-Coushatta, Kickapoo, Tigua Pueblo, and all the American Indian and Indigenous Peoples and communities who have been or have become a part of these lands and territories in Texas.