Dharma Discussion Group

Seeds For A Boundless Life by Zenkei Blanche Hartman. (9/11/23)

September 11, 2023, the Dharma Discussion Group will resume and begin reading Seeds For A Boundless Life by Zenkei Blanche Hartman. 
The book group just finished reading Dancing With Life by Phillip Moffitt
More information will be added here soon.
Every Monday we’ll meet at 7pm on Zoom. To get the Zoom link you can go either to the AZC Online Zendo page, the Dharma Discussion Group page or the monthly calendar. The schedule is: we sit for five minutes, then we take turns reading the book and discussing it until 8:15pm. Having a shared reading experience is a wonderful way to collectively explore the wisdom of the dharma!
Please, come join us online, Monday nights at 7pm. All are welcome!
This is a peer-led group, facilitated by AZC member Rich Graf.