A Note to our Sangha,
I am very pleased to announce that the upcoming fall practice period will be the first at AZC to have a Shuso in many years. The Shuso, literally “head seat” and often referred to as the head student, is a training opportunity for a maturing sangha member, who sets an example of practice and serves the sangha and supports the teacher. The Shuso can be a lay person or priest, and AZC has had both in the past.
This fall, I have invited Chris Azbill (Anzan Keido, Peaceful Mountain Jubilant Way) to be Shuso. Chris has been a resident of AZC for ten years. He has served as a member of the doanryo, as Work Leader and Ino (head of the meditation hall). He received the precepts in Jukai from Head Teacher Mako Voelkel in 2020. Currently he is also a member of the AZC Board of Directors. As shuso he will begin to give talks, meet sangha members for tea, and co-facilitate a class during the practice period. A Shuso Entering ceremony will be held in October and the Hossenshiki ceremony, where he and the sangha will bring for the dharma together in questions and responses, in December. Exact dates will be announced later in the year.
This is an important time in the life not only of a particular person serving the sangha as shuso, but the life of the community. It is a joy for me to have the opportunity to work with Chris. Please participate in as much of the practice period as you can and give Anzan your full support!
Choro, AZC Guiding Teacher