Policy on Electing Board Members
Approved by the Board December 2020
Eligibility for nomination, election and Board membership is typically limited to AZC members.
The process is triggered either two months prior to when a board member’s term is over, or when a board vacancy occurs (or is announced) outside of regular board member terms.
Vacancies that occur related to Board member terms ending on the regular Board election cycle
The process begins two months prior to the member meeting at which member voting for Board members takes place.
The Governance Committee is responsible for informing the Board of those members whose term is ending, assessing their interest in serving again and in going through the election process. Those interested in serving again must email the board that they are willing to serve by the deadline identified.
The Governance Committee is also responsible for publishing a notification to the membership. The notice is intended to elicit interest in serving and informs those interested to contact a member of the board or a member of the Governance committee to be considered for nomination to the Board. The notice also includes a deadline by which a notice of willingness to serve must be provided to a member of the Board or a member of the Governance Committee. A Board member contacted by someone interested in running notifies the board by email of the person’s interest by the deadline.
The Governance committee provides to board members its assessment of the board’s current composition and identifies missing qualities and characteristics as an aid in considering potential new board members.
Individual board members may also make nominations for consideration to the full Board, and should discuss the opportunity with a nominee with the understanding that the person’s name would be submitted for consideration and assessed for nomination for Board consideration and possible recommendation to AZC members based on the board’s current composition and needs; and that submission for consideration does not entail selection or even likely selection. This nomination for consideration is made by email to the entire board.
Between the willingness to serve date and the Board vote on recommended nominees:
- Nominees expressing willingness have time to discuss further with other board members and sangha members.
- Board members have time to consider nominees and visit with them. In the spirit of having a healthy board that avoids cliques and parking lot discussions, we suggest that people not lobby for others.
At a board meeting after the deadline for notice of willingness and before the member meeting at which the election occurs, the Governance committee provides the Board with a list of individuals nominated and willing to serve and again shares its assessment of the board’s current composition and identified missing qualities and characteristics to support consideration by the board.
The board votes on a roster of nominees for Board membership that it will bring to the membership for vote. The Governance committee ensures that those whom the Board will recommend are notified and that those expressing willingness to serve but not recommended are also notified. Those whom the Board will recommend are asked to prepare to speak to the members at the Member meeting during which the vote will take place about their interest in serving on the Board (and are given the meeting date and time).
The Governance committee ensures that the Board’s list of individuals whom it will recommend for member consideration to serve on the Board is published and that AZC members are notified.
The Chair facilitates the election at the board meeting introducing nominees and facilitating the vote by members. The Board Chair describes the nomination and election process, and introduces nominees who each present a short introduction of themselves. A paper vote is taken yes or no on each nominee.
Nominees with more yes than no votes are elected. If a nominee does is not elected, the nominating and election process begins again for the position to be filled.
Vacancies that occur prior to the end of a member’s term
- The board sets a date for board member nominations to be submitted. That date should be at least two weeks prior to the Board meeting at which voting to fill the vacancy will take place.
- The Governance committee provides to board members its assessment of board’s current composition and identifies missing qualities and characteristics as an aid in considering potential new board members.
- Individual board members make nominations for consideration to the full Board, and may choose to discuss the opportunity with a nominee with the understanding that the person’s name would be submitted for consideration and assessed based on the board’s current composition and needs (i.e., that submission for consideration does not entail selection or even likely selection). This nomination for consideration can be by email to the entire board.
Between the nominations submission date and Board vote nominees have time to consider and visit with board members, and board members have time to consider nominees and visit with them if they wish. In the spirit of having a healthy board that avoids cliques and parking lot discussions, we suggest that people not lobby for others. (This is a time for discovery and discernment in appreciation for individual board members.)
At the Board meeting for the vote, the board members discuss the nominees, the assessment of current composition and missing qualities and characteristics provided by the Governance Committee. A vote is held and the person nominating the Chair informs the new board member of their election.