Protected: One Day Meditation Retreat August – WAITLIST REGISTRATION
Set Intentions for Fall Ango 2023
An Intro to Buddhist Teachings: Class Evaluation
Saturday, October 8th 2022 at 2pm We would be delighted to celebrate our BIG DAY with you! Both the ceremony…
Joel & Mako’s Wedding Ceremony & Reception
Earth Day Celebration at AZC – Ceremony
Monday, April 25th at 4pm - Thursday, April 28th at 1:30pm Welcome! We are looking forward to meeting you at…
2022 Branching Streams Conference – Registration
People are asking: When will AZC reopen, and may I come sit once I get vaccinated?
COVID Protocols for AZC Office
Download and Print: Bodhisattva Full Moon Ceremony - handout Bodhisattva Full Moon Ceremony (Ryaku Fusatsu) Note: All Chanting is call &…
Full Moon Ceremony – Chant
Regarder of the Cries of the WorldListen to the deeds of the Cry Regarder, who well responds to every quarter;His…
Chapter 25 – Lotus Sutra
Council Guidelines Be on time. Due to the confidential and intimate nature of council, the group may decide not to…
Council Guidelines
Below are several resources for this class. Multicultural Communication AgreementsThe Three Refuges - Body of Buddha's Mind - Reb Anderson…
On Taking Refuge
Sejiki Ceremony
AZC Community Council Meeting
One-Day Meditation Retreat – Finding our Place Amidst What Is
Pay for AZC programs by clicking on the image above when the registration form that is specific to the program is not available.
Partial Payment – Scholarship Assistance
Before beginning, please make sure when making shide that they will be used for good practices, and make sure to…
How to Make Shide
Mountains and waters right now are the actualization of the ancient Buddha way. Each, abiding in its phenomenal expression, realizes…
Mountains & Waters Sutra (excerpt)
Check out some of AZC's offerings over the next few months, including Visiting Teachers, Workshops, Ceremonies, and Retreats.
Upcoming Events at a Glance
AZC Arts & Culture Council – Call for Suggestions!
Evening Beginner’s Instruction Class
Thanksgiving Sangha Work-Eat-Play-Day
We're not accepting new residency applications at this time. Please contact if you have questions. Zenkei-ji - Inconceivable Joy…
Residency at AZC
Providing a peaceful haven for practice is a vital task that the leadership and sangha perform as our collective mission for all beings. Over the past two and a half years the board, the leadership, and members of our sangha set out...
Midyear Message from the Board of Directors
Room used for services, lectures, and ceremonies. At the Austin Zen Center, our main hall serves this purpose.
Buddha Hall