Departing Ceremony for AZC Resident & Former Ino Bruce Smith

Tuesday, October 12th @ 7:30am

Join us in this brief, traditional ceremony that marks the departure of a resident practitioner from a training temple. Bruce will be departing soon after the ceremony to drive to Columbia, Missouri to begin his next adventure. After morning chanting service we will offer bows as he passes us in a circumambulation of the zendo. This ceremony will also mark the transition of Ino-ship from Bruce Smith to Drew Schaffer. You must be registered with us as fully vaccinated to participate in-person. All are welcome to join us for the ceremony online.


For a more social event, all are welcome to join us for an Ice Cream farewell gathering on Saturday, October 9th at 3 pm with Bruce in the AZC side yard. Please REGISTER no later than Friday 10/8 at noon if you are interested in joining us (Covid restrictions to entry into the temple apply).