- March 23rd 2023, 2pm
Join us on Zoom or in person
The ceremony called Zaike Tokudo Ceremony (also called Jukai) will take place at 2 pm on March 23, 2024.
Rev. Choro Carla Antonaccio, Guiding Teacher at Austin Zen Center, will offer and transmit the 16 Bodhisattva Precepts of Soto Zen to sangha members Jeanne Dake, Matt Dragomanovich, Matt Kocubinski, Mary Meagher, Max Sklansky, and Gary Thompson. They have been preparing for this ceremony for over a year, sewing their rakusu (Buddha’s robe) and studying the precepts together.
In this ceremony Bodhisattva initiates vow to live according to the Bodhisattva precepts as their path of practice, witnessed and supported by the sangha, friends, and family. They receive their rakusu, as well as a new name and a document that inscribes them in the family of Shakyamuni Buddha. Those who have already received the precepts at any time are warmly invited to both witness the vows of the preceptees, and to renew their own vows. Please join us!