Do you want to contribute to the financial well-being of Austin Zen Center? Sangha member Todd Cornett is stepping down from his role as Development Coordinator after more than two years of much valued service. The AZC board is looking for an ongoing sangha member who is willing to take on this volunteer role.
Responsibilities include learning about best practices for fundraising, strategizing with the board ways to maintain and develop the sangha, coordinating fundraising events, and attending regular meetings of the Membership and Development Committee. Experience welcome, but on the job training provided.
Please contact AZC Membership Committee Chair José Alvardo for more information.
Taking on a volunteer temple job is a wonderful opportunity to deepen one’s practice through service to the sangha. Indeed, we could not continue to function without the generous support and service of many volunteers. If you have been an ongoing member, sat a sesshin or retreat, or otherwise wish to serve the AZC community, please consider joining us in taking care of our practice and organization.