In support of Tim Kroll’s recent priest ordination and Tassajara shuso-ship as well as Pat Yingst’s first Tassajara Practice Period as a Tangaryo student, I had the wonderful opportunity to drop in for the 7-day middle sesshin of Tassajara Fall 2021 Ango led by Ryushin Paul Haller. Within minutes of finding my wee dorm room, Pat bestowed chocolate on me and asked for a buzz of her hair ahead of sesshin. Tim was soft and sweet, as he is, albeit sleepy from running the wake-up bell every morning at 3:50am. Joshin Shaevel, former resident and Ino of AZC, was also there for his Tangaryo Practice Period, and the fours of us got together after the sesshin for some photos, as seen below. Also included is Pat’s letter to the sangha from just after her 5-day Tangaryo at the start of Ango, which I read to those attending Bruce Smith’s last breakfast at AZC before moving back to Missouri.
Beautiful days and deep practice energy suffused the valley. I returned home to Austin filled with gratitude for our tradition, the teachings of mountains & waters, and the vast network of beings that is sangha!
As a cloistered Tassajara resident in a deep and darkening autumn valley, letters & care-packages are always more than welcome! If so inclined, take a moment to send a note (and maybe chocolate) to Tassajara practitioners at:
Tassajara Zen Mountain Center
39171 Tassajara Rd.
Carmel Valley, CA 93924