- Monday July 18 – Friday July 22, 2022
Join AZC practice leadership and other AZC sangha members for a unique opportunity to work and practice together at our parent temple in California, and to connect deeply to our social, cultural and religious heritage. Together we will be joining the Tassajara community for Guest Practice, which includes following the residential daily morning schedule of zazen, service, work, & breakfast/lunch. After having lunch with the students, we turn into guests and have dinner in the Tassajara dining room with other guests. There are very limited spaces.
Tassajara Reservation Cost: $320 (includes all meals & lodging while at Tassajara)
Ground Transportation Cost (Estimate): $250 (includes van rental & fuel)
Airfare & Teacher Dana are NOT included.
PLEASE NOTE: All participants are responsible for their own airfare from AUS to SFO. Please plan to arrive at SFO by no later than 10 am on Monday 7/18, and plan to depart from SFO no earlier than 3 pm on Friday 7/22. We are unable to accommodate folks who arrive/depart at other times.
To Register: contact our Administrator to make a $150 deposit (refundable until 6/16/22) to hold your spot on the list. Tassajara reservations will call you to arrange payment. Please confirm all travel info by July 1st, providing us with your flight numbers & times.
Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, located deep in the Ventana Wilderness area of the Los Padres National Forest, southeast of Carmel California, is the oldest Sōtō Zen Buddhist monastery in the United States. The Summer Guest Season is open to the public both before and after the yearly monastic Practice Periods in the Fall and Spring. During Sangha Weeks we participate in the Guest Practice program where we join the students in their schedule of early morning zazen, service, work (includes 3 ½ hours), and meals (breakfast/lunch) before turning into guests for the remainder of each day. Vegetarian meals and shared accommodations are included. We will be working and meeting as a group while also joining residents in their daily schedule:
Tassajara Daily Schedule:
- 5:50am Wake-up bell
- 6:00am Zazen & Service
- 7:30am Breakfast w/students
- 8:30am Work Meeting
- 12:00pm Lunch w/students
- 1-6pm Free time and/or AZC sangha activities
- 4:30pm Bathhouse closed – residents only
- 6:15pm Evening Service (optional)
- 6:30pm Guest Dinner
- 8:00pm Zazen or Dharma Event
- 9:30pm Firewatch (Lights out)