Saturday, January 13th, 1:30-3:30pm THIS EVENT HAS ENDED

As Buddhists we live with the two guiding principles, wisdom and compassion. It would be hard to find a family, workplace or spiritual community in today’s chaotic world where somebody is not dealing with depression, anxiety, addictive and compulsive behavior, isolation, etc. In our work together in this workshop we will NOT be trained to be therapists, to make diagnosis or to provide treatment. We will look at ways to increase the health, peace and ease of individuals we encounter who need our presence and support. Our goal is to have tools that increase the safety of the individuals needing help, the individuals offering help and the Sanghas and families in which they live.

- Teacher: Rev. Koshin Steven Tierney
- Date/Time: Saturday, January 13th, 1:30-3:30pm
- Location: AZC Zendo
- Program Fees: $25 Members / $35 Non-members
This event has ended
Contact to inquire about scholarships
Optional post-workshop individual meeting time sign up sheet will be offered on site.
Rev. Koshin Steve Tierney is a Dharma transmitted teacher in the lineage of Suzuki Roshi/San Francisco Zen Center. Steven practices with Oceans Compassion Sangha and Meditation in Recovery, Great Spirit Sangha, SFLGBTQA Sangha, Gay Buddhist Fellowship and the Hartford Street Zen Center. Steven believes that we can find wisdom, compassion and awakening wherever good people come together for practice, healing, service and joy. Dr. Tierney is a psychotherapist in private practice and Professor Emeritus in Counseling Psychology at California Institute of Integral Studies. He is also a board member of the Soto Zen Buddhist Association.