- December 11th 2021 @ 3pm
Austin Zen Center will hold a Zaike Tokudo Ceremony (often called Jukai) following Buddha’s Enlightenment Ceremony, the day after Rohatsu sesshin. Rev. Doshin Mako Voelkel will transmit the precepts to sangha members Dave Pietruszynski, Alan Sisco, and Jess Engle.
**This ceremony marks the occasion in which Zen initiates openly receive and acknowledge the sixteen Bodhisattava precepts as an ongoing path of practice in their lives, receive Buddha’s robe (the rakusu they have sewn), as well as their new (Dharma) name.
Read more about the devotional practice of sewing Buddha’s robe, from Jean Selkirk of the Berkeley Zen Center.
Please join us!
This ceremony will be held outdoors as long as weather permits. Don’t forget to register your vaccination status with us before attending.**
* As this is a fundraiser for the Austin Zen Center, please donate an amount you feel comfortable donating. No one will be turned away for lack of funds.