March 30, 2024 1:00-2:30pm

2021 was the inaugural year for the New York Zen Center’s Contemplative Medicine fellowship. This offering consists of 12 months of training for physicians, advanced practice registered nurses, and physicians assistants who want to apply a contemplative approach to their practice of medicine. A 2023 article in the journal Explore reviews the possibility for this approach to relieving “burnout” in clinicians. To share an introductory overview to the fellowship and a Zen inspired perspective on Contemplative Medicine, a member of the Austin Zen Center who has completed the fellowship will provide an overview into some of the teachings of the fellowship in the form of an informal, interactive 90 minute workshop on the March 30, 2024, from 1-2:30pm at the Austin Zen Center.

- Teacher: Dr. Mary Shepherd
- Date/Time: March 30, 2024 1-2:30pm
- Location: AZC Zendo
- Program Fees: $25 Members / $35 Non-members
Contact to inquire about scholarships
Dr. Mary Shepherd The path of Mary E. Shepherd’s life has followed a course including a Ph.D. in Molecular Biology, an academic career in Immunology, and an M.D. She retired after 30 years of practice as a dermatologist. In 2011 the Jukai ceremony of receiving the Buddhist precepts at the Houston Zen center formalized the interweaving of Buddhist principles into her life.