Austin Zen Center occasionally hosts community events like Buddhaflix movie nights, community pot-lucks, special ceremonies, Children's programs, and a yearly…
Hospice volunteers serve in a variety of roles, including visiting patients, walking pets of patients, bereavement support, and office duties.…
Hospice Volunteers
The Austin Zen Center partners with the Trinity United Methodist Church to collect non-perishable food to be distributed to those…
Food Pantry
This program is currently only available online. This peer led book group meets weekly online to promote engaged practice and…
Dharma Discussion Group
COVID Protocols: We are continuing to maintain mask-wearing and social distancing, and ask all volunteers to abide by these protocols.For…
Sangha Work Days
Austin Interfaith Environmental Network The Austin Zen Center has been a member of the Austin Interfaith Environmental Network, whose work…
Environmental Activism at AZC
Sundays 11am to 12:00pm in the AZC zendo or onlineAustin Dharma Punks (ADP) is a peer-led group that was originally…
Dharma Punks
Sunday Evenings from 6:00-7:00pm In Person and OnlineMeditation and Recovery is an open meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous. Anyone is welcome…
Meditation and Recovery
Join our Meetup Group! The program meets on ZoomThursdays 7:00 - 8:30pm The Zen Writing group offers a weekly opportunity to…
Zen Writing Group
Sundays in the Garden Sunday mornings from 8am - 10pmJoin us on for the opportunity to engage in (mostly) silent…