- Saturday - November 11th - 13th, 2022
*REGISTRATION CLOSED* This retreat will be in person, no Zoom participation other than Dharma Talks.
Written in 1233, Genjokoan was composed for a lay follower of Soto Zen founder Eihei Dogen Zenji in Kyoto, where Dogen established his first monastery after returning from China. Together with Fukanzazengi and Bendowa, Genjokoan is one of his fundamental teachings. The title refers to question of reality manifesting right now. Dogen instructs as follows:
To study the buddha way is to study the self. To study the self is to forget the self. To forget the self is to be actualized by myriad things. When actualized by myriad things, your body and mind as well as the bodies and minds of others drop away. No trace of realization remains, and this no-trace continues endlessly.
Join us in studying this teaching in a weekend retreat of silence, sitting, and hearing the dharma.
NB: We recommend that you have experience with informal half day sittings (zazenkai), one day sittings, or sesshin at AZC or elsewhere before signing up for this retreat. If you have any questions about whether the retreat is right for you, please contact the Guiding Teacher choro@austinzencenter.org.
- Friday, Nov. 11: Orientation (7.00 pm)
- Instruction in oryoki, Zen meal form, and retreat guidelines, short period of meditation*
- Saturday, Nov. 12: (6 am – 9pm)
- First period of zazen at 6am
- Public may join dharma talk in person at 10:14am.
- Seats are assigned in the zendo, bring your own cushions if you like.
- Sunday, Nov. 13: (6am – noon)
- Half day of sitting, oryoki breakfast, and will end with midday service after morning dharma talk and cleanup.
- Dokusan/practice discussion will be offered
- Sign up during the retreat itself.

Questions about schedule and practice activities may be directed to the Guiding Teacher choro@austinzencenter.org
Questions about fees and registration should go to our Admin, Maida Barbour admin@austinzencenter.org
*Two videos which present the oryoki meal form: Rev. Mako Voelkel is here; also recommended, Rev. Linda Ruth Cutts series of short videos, recorded at San Francisco Zen Center. We mostly follow these forms.
AZC is committed to making practice and the teachings available to all. Please contact Administrator Maida Barbour at 512-452-5777 or email admin@austinzencenter.org if event fees are a barrier to participation for you.