- October 24th, 2020 @ 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
This opening meditation retreat of the Fall Practice Period on Taking Refuge will focus on the foundational practice of finding our place within the whole of our experience and returning to body and breath in each moment. Led by Head Teacher Dōshin Mako Voelkel, this daylong retreat will be held simultaneously online as well as in-person (outdoors, socially distanced, & dependent on the weather). This will mark our first publicly available in-person & online retreat since the start of the pandemic.
We are committed to maintaining a safe environment in which we can come together for practice (while acknowledging the risks involved). As such, we have made significant modifications to our usual forms: the temple building will not be available to anyone but residents (although the outdoor restroom will be available), we will not be holding oryoki meals (bring a bag lunch or go off-site), and chanting services will be masked and distanced. We ask that everyone coming to AZC in-person (1) be completely clear of any covid symptoms, (2) not have had contact with anyone who has tested positive in the past 2 weeks, (3) be personally strict about following current CDC guidelines regarding wearing a mask, avoiding crowds, and general social distancing. Only in this manner will we be able to come together responsibly.
As always, AZC is committed to making the teachings available to everyone. To request financial assistance from our Scholarship Fund, or if you would like to donate to the Fund for others to be able to participate, please call the AZC Administrator at 512-452-5777.
ALL ARE WELCOME, whether you are participating in the Fall Practice Period or not.
Saturday, October 24th @ 8:00am – 5:00pm
NOTE: Please see above for our baseline precautionary guidelines regarding covid.
Retreat Fees: $60/members; $90/non-members (Scholarships available)
Sample Schedule:
7:45 Orientation
8:00 Zazen
8:30 Kinhin
8:40 Zazen
9:05 Kinhin
9:15 Zazen
9:50 Short chant
10:00 Dharma Talk
11:00 Kinhin
11:15 Zazen
11:50 Chanting Service
12:00 Lunch (bring bag lunch or go off-site)
1:00 Break
1:15 Work Period
2:00 End Work
2:15 Zazen
2:45 Kinhin
2:55 Zazen
3:25 Kinhin
3:35 Zazen
4:00 Kinhin
4:10 Zazen
4:40 Closing circle
4:55 Refuges
(5pm – Livestream of Berkeley Zen Center’s Stepping Down Ceremony for Sojun Mel Roshi)