A 6-Week Online Class w/ AZC Tanto Rev. Choro Antonaccio
May 21st - June 25th @ 6:45 - 8:15pm
This online class will look at five “edge states” identified by Joan Halifax Roshi: Altruism; Empathy; Integrity; Respect; and Engagement. Each relates completely to the others. We find ourselves standing at the “high edge” of each state when we are practicing them, but also falling over the edge into the opposite state. For each positive state, we will explore practices that support it; and we will also delve into the opposites (pathological altruism, empathic distress, moral suffering, disrespect, and burnout) to learn how they manifest and also how to work with them to climb back up when we inevitably lose our footing. Each state, positive and negative, provides the ground for discovery and the opportunity to arrive at compassion, where we meet suffering, ours and others’, with an appropriate response to the negative sides of the Edge States.
Program Fees: $70 members / $90 non-members
As always, AZC is committed to making the teachings available to everyone. To request financial assistance from our Scholarship Fund, or if you would like to donate to the Fund for others to be able to participate, please email or call AZC administrator Julie Strahan at 512-452-5777.
About Rev. Choro Carla Antonaccio: Rev. Choro is a Soto Zen Buddhist priest ordained in the lineage of Suzuki Roshi by her root teacher, Josho Pat Phelan Roshi. She began formal practice in 1999 at Chapel Hill Zen Center where she was a resident practitioner from 2005 until her recent move to Austin with her husband Bunkai. Rev. Choro has also spent time training at Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, San Francisco Zen Center City Center, and Green Gulch Farm. She was Shuso for the Chapel Hill Zen Center community in 2016 and has served as Tenzo, Work Leader and Ino in Chapel Hill. In 2018, after 30 years of teaching and fieldwork, Choro stepped back from her academic career as an archaeologist. She currently serves as Tanto (Head of Practice) for the Austin Zen Center sangha, and may be reached at choro@austinzencenter.org.