Fall Ango Class: We Could be Heroes and Enter the Mind of Buddha

*The Registration is on hold until Monday October 14th. 

A six week class co-led by: Guiding Teacher Rev. Choro Antonaccio and Shuso Anzan Chris Azbill.

All are welcome!

The cost is $60, which supports the temple. No one will be turned away for lack of funds; if you need financial support, please contact the AZC administrator at admin@austinzencenter.org 

The class format is to read together and express what comes up for us – bringing forth the dharma together.

Limited to 30 participants. 


About this Class

For our practice period class this year, we will study the Six Paramitas, or “heroic practices of Bodhisattvas” as taught by Tenshin Reb Anderson. 

The six paramitas (‘perfections’) are generosity, ethics, patience, effort, concentration, and wisdom. They are a path of training for Bodhisattvas, and, as Tenshin Roshi says, the first three perfections benefit living beings; the second three liberate them.

In addition, these six paramitas are intimately connected with the Sixteen Bodhisattva Precepts. Tenshin Roshi instructs us that “going for refuge in Buddha, includes all the other precepts and all six of the heroic practices of bodhisattvas.” Thus, this class and the study of the paramitas is recommended for everyone, at whatever place on the road of practice you happen to be. This book is filled with wonderful teachings and practical advice, often in the form of stories about practicing with others, that will benefit not only you, but everyone you encounter.

Please contact the guiding teacher if you have questions: choro@austinzencenter.org or in person.