Dharma Punks

Sundays 11am to 12:00pm in the AZC zendo or online

Austin Dharma Punks (ADP) is a peer-led group that was originally inspired by the movement that grew out of the Against The Stream meditation group but has since evolved out of that loose affiliation. 

Austin Dharma Punks wishes to create and sustain communities of healthy, accountable, wise, and compassionate people from every walk of life. We welcome people from all racial, economic, sexual, social, political and religious backgrounds and believe that the path of awakening is attainable by all and should be available to all. We strive to create a safe environment for all who come to practice.

Don’t let the word “punk” deter you. It does not matter how you dress, if you have tattoos or what kind of music you listen to. All beings are welcome.

Our typical sit involves a 30-minute meditation that is part guided, part silent. Meditation is followed by a reading and an open discussion.

Click here to Join on Zoom 
Password: Dharma

Donations to our host, Austin Zen Center, are encouraged.
