March 13
Next Step is a 1½ hour class for those who have attended Beginners’ Instruction and have been introduced to our formal chanting and bowing and would like to deepen their understanding of Zendo forms.
Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions concerning the specific details of our practice in and out of the meditation hall at the Austin Zen Center. Topics covered include seated and walking meditation, chanting, bowing, and the various instruments used during service. There will also be a tour of the temple and time for questions and discussion. This class is highly recommended for beginners and anyone interested in furthering their understanding of this tradition.
There is a $15 suggested donation for this class.
To donate via Paypal or Credit Card use the section below.
You are also welcome to Venmo us @AustinZenCenter, make a check payable to Austin Zen Center, or leave cash in the donation bowl in the main foyer at AZC. Thank you for your generosity!
Prerequisites: Attend Beginner’s Zazen Instruction (Saturdays at 8am), come to either the Saturday program, or a weekday AM or PM meditation period with service – at least once, but more if possible.
Next Step: Meditation & Beyond
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