Shin San Shiki – Abbot Installation Ceremony for Hozan Alan Senauke (Zoom Link)
On January 31, 2021 at 5 pm CST
PART I: Ascending the Mountain (Shin San Shiki):
Procession (Shinmei shinsan)
The procession gathers in front of the temple, led by BZC President, and BZC Zendo Manager representing the administrative and practice aspects of the temple (Ryoban), followed by the new Abbot (Shinmei), and an attendant (Jisha).
Mountain Gate (Sanmon)
At the front gate, the Shinmei bows, offers fragrance and makes a statement .
Meditation Hall (Zendo)
The Shinmei offers fragrance. The Zendo Manager leads the Shinmei in a circuit (Jundo) around the zendo and invites the Shinmei to the Abbatial Seat.
Buddha Hall (Butsuden)
President Mary Duryee invites the Shinmei to serve. Shinmei accepts with standing bow. The Shinmei offers fragrance, bows, and makes statements to Shakyamuni Buddha, Daigen Shuri Bosatsu (Great Protector of the Practice Principle), Bodhidharma (representing all the Ancestors), and Mahapajapati, first woman ancestor.
Founders’ Hall (Kaisando)
At Suzuki Roshi’s altar, the Shinmei offer fragrance, bows, and makes a statement.
Receiving the Temple Seal (Jiden)
The procession goes to an area outside the Zendo. The Shinmei makes a statement and exchanges bows and formal greetings with the officers of the temple, signs documents, and inspects and receives the temple seal.
PART 2: Opening the Hall & Teaching (Sho Koku Kai Do)
Teaching Robe (Dennei)
The procession re-enters the Zendo/Buddha Hall. The Shinmei is given a new robe by the sangha.
Supporting Statements (Sensho)
Gengo Akiba Roshi, Sokan (Bishop) of Sotohsu (Zen Soto School) in North America
Josu Mary Duryee, Berkeley Zen Center President, representing the BZC sangha
Joanna Macy, representing the personal friends of the new Abbot.
Ascending the Seat (Todan)
The Shinmei ascends the teaching seat, makes offering and four statements: for world peace; to all the Ancestors in this teaching lineage; to members, donors, families, and deceased members of this temple; and, to his root teacher, Sojun Mel Weitsman.
Invitational Bows (Monjin)
Jisha and the Ryoban bow to the Shinmei, inviting his teaching. Jisha offers fragrance and leads a bow on behalf of everyone in the assembly.
Announcing the Teaching (Byakutsui-chi)
Hoitsu Suzuki Roshi, Abbot of Rinso-in, in role of Manjusri Bodhisattva, announces the Shinmei’s teaching: “Dragons and Elephants, let us call forth the Dharma!”
Question and Answer (Mondo)
Zenju Earthlyn Manuel, Still Breathing Zen Sangha, New Mexico
Kenshin Catherine Cascade, Bird Haven Zendo, Cheshire, Oregon
Myoko Susan Moon, Lay Entrusted Teacher
Ryushin Andrea Thach, Senior Student, Berkeley Zen Center
Jirin Jill Jameson, Diamond Sangha, Melbourne, Australia
Nanzan Harald Schoecklmann, Wind und Wolken Sangha, Germany
Kahi Andrea Henderson, Student, Berkeley Zen Center,
Alex Senauke, Son of Hozan, speaking from Sogen-ji, Japan
Teaching Statements from the Shinmei
Teiko – Fundamental Backbone Statement
Jago Byakutsui – Appreciatory Statement to Shinmei’s Significant Teachers
Jiio – Personal statement
Nensoku – Understanding of a Koan
Ketsuza – Concluding Statement
Hoitsu Roshi closes the teaching:
“Clearly observe: the Dharma of the Dharms Sovereign is Thus!”
Concluding Statements and Congratulations
The Shinmei comes down from the Mountain Seat, offers informal thanks to all, and receives statements of appreciation and congratulations
Hoitsu Suzuki Roshi, Abbot, Rinso-in, Yaizu, Japan; Translator: Paula Arai
Shodo Harada Roshi, Abbot, Sogen-ji, Japan, Translator: Daichi Priscilla Storandt
Roshi Joan Jiko Halifax, Abbess, Upaya Zen Center, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Rinso Ed Sattizahn, Central Abbot, San Francisco Zen Center
Sodo Ron Nestor, Senior Student, Berkeley Zen Center
Kakudo Peter Overton, Senior Student, Berkeley Zen Center
Ki Jin Hannah Meara, Senior Student, Berkeley Zen Center
Silvie Senauke, Daughter of Hozan
Kosei Laurie Senauke, Wife of Hozan, Berkeley Zen Center
Ending Procession
Shinmei, Jisha and Ryoban process to area just outside the Zendo for final bows
We have adjusted aspects of the Ceremony to be in accord with current Covid protocols.