- December 31, 2020 @ 7:00 pm – 9:30pm (and beyond)
Join us for our annual New Year’s Eve Celebration & Sit as we turn towards and welcome 2021 (Year of the Ox) at the Austin Zen Center!
“Moment after moment we should renew our life, we should not stick to old ideas of what life is, or what our way of life is. Especially at the end of the year we should completely renew our feelings and completely clean even our cars. If we always stick to old ideas and always repeat the same thing over and over again, then we are confined in our old way of life. Some excitement or some occasion is necessary to encourage us along.”
– Suzuki Roshi
Join us in our modified Year-End Ceremony of traditional Soto Zen practices:
- Full Moon Bodhisattva Ceremony of Chanting & Bowing
- Temple cleaning (includes your home altar & sitting area)
- Two periods of sitting and walking meditation
- Welcoming the upcoming New Year with 108 bells
- Bonfire purification ceremony and celebratory toast
- Sharing of our Intentions & Aspirations for the New Year
NYE Schedule:
6:50pm “Doors” Open w/10-min Densho (bell)
7:00 Full Moon Ceremony
7:40 Work Circle/Introductions
8:00 End Work – return to the circle
8:05 Han begins for Zazen (Sitting Meditation)
8:15 Zazen
8:45 Kinhin (Walking Meditation)
8:55 Zazen w/108 Bells* to welcome the New Year
9:25 End Zazen
9:30 Celebratory toast & Gathering around the “bonfire”
Offering reflections of 2020 & turning towards intentions & aspirations for 2021
~ 10:00 Open Space for Small Groups/ Break-out rooms
* This number represents the 108 worldly desires we may experience through the course of a lifetime. The final 108th strike carries with it the meaning of letting go of the last year’s trials and tribulations.
Suggested Donation (Sliding Scale): $10-30; Please give what feels appropriate within your own means.
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Let’s welcome 2021 by re-dedicating ourselves to extending wisdom & compassion to all!