The regularly scheduled board meeting was held on March 21. The AZC leadership team and the board is attempting a year-long budget balance for 2019, and we’d like to thank our leaders and the sangha for starting off the year aligned with that goal. The first quarter came in with reduced expenses and increased revenue with respect to the plan. Warm bows to all.
With a goal of transparency, our quarterly reports are available on the forum for members. Please continue the spirit of generosity because our revenue tends to sag in the second and third quarters of the year. Our target for this year is still to balance income with expenses and we will update each quarter. Members are invited to attend board meetings and we can accommodate two guests (sign up sheet on bulletin board at foot of stairs) at each meeting. The board has a target of approving the final policy statements including conflict resolution, teacher-student relationships, ombudsperson, inclusivity, board nominations, sexual harassment, and governance transparency by the next meeting. As part of a spirit of transparency, our board minutes are now current up through the February board meeting on the forum. Our goal is to have the minutes available within 2-3 weeks of the meeting.
We are moving forward with the Spring Fair, and restarting an active membership committee. The membership committee is focused on the needs of the sangha. Dana can mean money, and the first quarter reveals that our sangha is generous. Dana is also about sharing wisdom, time, and energy to others. We will be asking the sangha to help on specific tasks with the Spring Fair, the membership committee, and the development committee. When the requests come, please consider stepping forward.
Dave Pietruszynski
AZC Board Chair