On April 17th Austin Zen Center Head Teacher Rev. Doshin Mako Voelkel received Dharma Transmission (Shiho) from Senior Dharma Teacher Ryushin Paul Haller at her home monastery Tassajara Zen Mountain Center.
Deep bows to the many sangha members who supported Mako during her daily Temple Jundo (a ‘jundo’ can mean any ritual circuit or circumambulation, but in this case it means offering incense and bowing at 12 different altars), Bussorai (bowing, offering incense, while chanting each Ancestors names in the Soto Zen Lineage), and Calligraphy sessions.
Photos from the Tassajara Work Week trip will be available soon! For a glimpse into these ceremonies, watch a video of Rev. Mako beginning Bussorai at AZC: