Saturday Zazenkai

Join us for a morning of silent practice with no formal lecture or service. This will be in place of our regular Saturday morning program and dharma talk.

“You should therefore cease from practice based on intellectual understanding, pursuing words and following after speech, and learn the backward step that turns your light inward to illuminate your self. Body and mind will drop away of themselves, and your original face will be manifest. If you wish to attain suchness, you should practice suchness without delay.”

-Eihei Dogen

Zazenkai means a meeting for zazen. Our usual practice has been to offer a half day of ‘just sitting’ approximately each month, without a dharma talk, service, or meals. 

All are welcome to join us for a morning of zazen (seated meditation), kinhin (walking meditation), and simple instruction.  There will be no chanting service or formal talks. Just to come and enjoy the quiet time and deepen your meditation through an extended period of sitting is enough.

It is fine to sit any part of the day, as much or as little as works for you. The intention of this offering is to provide the opportunity to sit longer for those who wish to and to extend the sitting to afternoon if that works better for you.

* This zazenkai is offered both in-person and online.

Please only enter during transition periods (between zazen and kinhin).

This offering is by donation only, please donate whatever amount that you feel inspired to give.


8:00 – 8:10 Opening/ Orientation
8:10 Zazen
8:35 Kinhin
8:45 Zazen
9:10 Kinhin
9:20 Zazen
9:45 Kinhin
9:55 Zazen
10:20 Kinhin
10:30 Zazen
10:55 Kinhin
11:05 Zazen
11:30 Kinhin
11:40 Zazen
12:00 End