There is a great deal of effort and orchestration that goes into holding a meditation retreat at the Austin Zen Center. From planning the schedule to putting flyers around town to cooking, cleaning and setting up the temple, there are many ways for sangha members to help support this great activity!
Some specific ways you can help include:
- Cooking or serving for the retreat: Volunteer to make a soup, salad, or snack for the retreat or be a server during oryoki.
- Help us publicize: Grab some flyers to put up at your local coffee shops and book stores.
- Register ahead of time: The sooner we know how many participants a retreat will have, the better we can plan for it.
- Take on zendo jobs: Getting trained to be part of the doan-ryo is always a helpful way to deepen your practice.
Sangha support is an integral part of practice and the fuel that keeps our temple running. So if you would like to support our upcoming retreat, we are looking for volunteers for the Rohatsu Sesshin (December 3-10).
Please email our administrator Maida Barbour or Jess Engle if you’d like to get involved.